HMRC Let Property Campaign – Summer 2019 Update
The HMRC Let Property Campaign was launched in September 2013 to make it easier for landlords to get their tax affairs up to date. Whilst many landlords have already received …
The HMRC Let Property Campaign was launched in September 2013 to make it easier for landlords to get their tax affairs up to date. Whilst many landlords have already received …
Historically, individuals have been required to calculate their rental profits using what is known as an “accruals” basis. However, from 6th April 2017, for many individuals, the standard basis to …
One of the most important and significant taxes that landlords pay on their Buy to Let properties is Capital Gains Tax (CGT).This tax becomes payable when the landlord sells a …
Most landlords, when new to the industry, are genuinely surprised when they find out that they can’t claim every bit of expenditure back against rental profits. This article explores the …
In the wake of a recent ruling regarding stamp duty rates on second homes, UK landlords have been urged to take a look at their property purchases to see if …
Many people have a dream of retiring to sunnier climes – not least in the midst of a cold British winter – and landlords are no different. In today’s blog, …
The October 2018 budget brought even more changes for landlords, with the latest attack on landlords focused on the sale of rental properties and Capital Gains Tax. So if you …
In this blog, we look at 7 tax “sins” and explore the best way to mitigate any future problems. Splitting rental income incorrectly Spouses who jointly own property need to …
With Section 24 the hot topic for landlords in recent times, many landlords have been considering their options. Whilst there are possible ways to mitigate the changes, some landlords have …
Inheritance Tax (IHT) tends to be a subject that most people do not care to dwell on for obvious reasons, and it is surprising how many people do not think …