HMRC Let Property Campaign – Summer 2019 Update
The HMRC Let Property Campaign was launched in September 2013 to make it easier for landlords to get their tax affairs up to date. Whilst many landlords have already received …
The HMRC Let Property Campaign was launched in September 2013 to make it easier for landlords to get their tax affairs up to date. Whilst many landlords have already received …
RITA4Rent have spoken with HMRC and exclusively obtained the latest figures from the Let Property Campaign. The latest figures report up to 30th June 2016, and these show that HMRC …
To celebrate approaching the half-way point of the Let Property Campaign, HM Revenue and Customs have this week sent out a further 2,000 letters to landlords they know have not …
It has come to our attention that from today (9 April 2015), HMRC now allow the 2013/14 tax year to be submitted as part of your Let Property Campaign DO2 …
We have recently reported that the HMRC Let Property Campaign was set to intensify, and this has been recently proved by the latest results from HM Revenue and Customs. As …
As expected, the HMRC Let Property Campaign intensified further in January 2015, with a substantial number of letters being sent to both unsuspecting landlords and property investors, as well as …
Here at RITA4Rent, we recently received a very kind testimonial, from a client we assisted from beginning to end with regards the HMRC Let Property Campaign. As well as guiding …
As landlord and property tax specialists, RITA4Rent are always delighted to receive feedback on our services to clients. We have been heavily involved in assisting clients with the Let Property Campaign …
Given the sheer volume of letters being sent out by HMRC with regards the Let Property Campaign, we understand that HMRC are struggling to cope with the demand, and there …
Today RITA4Rent are blogging about the HMRC Let Property Campaign letter (referred to as AI or A1 letter) which is currently being sent out to thousands of landlords with undeclared …