Today RITA4Rent, property tax specialists, are blogging with a brief reminder that the Landlord’s Energy Savings Allowance is nearing the end, and the costs must be incurred before 1 April 2015.
You may be able claim up to £1,500 per property, and thus, if you hold a number of properties with relevant expenditure, then the claim could be extremely beneficial.
We have featured this topic before on our blog, and by clicking here, you can view the basic details, along with a video exploring the topic further.
This has also been reported via our partners via the Property Tribes, and can be viewed by clicking here.
Should you require any assistance with this claim, or for further advice, please do not hesitate to contact us in the usual way by email, or on Freephone 0800 1 22 33 57, or by speaking with our chat secretary on this website.”