As their sole recommended tax advisors, we show our blog readers how using us both can provide free membership of the Residential Landlords Association.
From just £79.95, you can join the Residential Landlords Association, and become part of a community of over 17,000 landlords. Members receive an array of benefits, as well as an invaluable telephone advice service for landlords. Wouldn’t it be fantastic to have all these benefits and not pay a penny?! It can be achieved, and this is how:
• RLA members benefit from a generous £50 discount on RITA’s tax advisory fees.
• Assuming you are a higher rate tax payer, by adding the RLA’s membership fee to your tax return expenses, you would save around £30 in tax i.e £79.95 at 40% = approx £30.
• Add these two benefits together for a combined benefit of £80, and ensure your RLA membership has a true cost to you of £0.
So there it is… free membership to the leading voice for landlords in England and Wales, and the UK’s first national landlord association, as well as the multiple benefits of having RITA supporting your business. Feel free to check out our dedicated page on the RLA website or contact us for more information