Landlords Named and Shamed
The HMRC Let Property Campaign continues to intensify, and whilst tranch after tranch of letters go out to landlords with undeclared rental profits, HMRC have named and shamed a number of …
The HMRC Let Property Campaign continues to intensify, and whilst tranch after tranch of letters go out to landlords with undeclared rental profits, HMRC have named and shamed a number of …
As specialist landlord and property tax advisors, RITA4Rent have been frequently asked how the penalties are affected, if you need to report your past undeclared rental income and expenditure under the …
We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website, solely dedicated to the HMRC Let Property Campaign. To view the website, please click here. We have been providing …
We are delighted to release our third tip in this series, relating to the HMRC Let Property Campaign. Our popular series has arisen at a current time, as we understand …
Today sees the release of our second tax tip, relating to the HMRC Let Property Campaign, as HMRC seek to retrieve unpaid tax on undeclared letting income from landlords and …
We have regularly posted blogs regarding the HMRC Let Property Campaign, such as our post here and here. These blogs explored the various developments, along with examples of the …
The Let Property Campaign is well under way, with HMRC increasingly sending out more and more letters, targeting landlords with undeclared rental income as they strive to recoup as much …
The HMRC Let Property Campaign is here to stay, and the next wave of letters have just been posted to around 40,000 landlords who have not declared their rental income. Have …
As we are sure you are already aware of, the Let Property Campaign, which began Autumn 2013, is a current initiative run by HM Revenue and Customs, and gives landlords …