As expected, the HMRC Let Property Campaign intensified further in January 2015, with a substantial number of letters being sent to both unsuspecting landlords and property investors, as well as those hoping they could slip under the radar.
With the campaign set to last another 4-5 years, the message is clear from HM Revenue and Customs, in that they will use all means necessary and act on all data sources available to them, to ensure landlords are compliant, are paying their taxes, and are reporting taxable profits to them in a timely manner.
Here at RITA4Rent, we have experienced an impressive success rate with regards HMRC accepting disclosures we submit on behalf of our clients.
We recently enjoyed a record long weekend. From Friday 6th February 2015 to Monday 9th February 2015, we received a record 12 acceptances from HMRC in just 2 working days, generating excellent tax savings for our clients, along with ensuring compliance both in the past, and moving forward.
Do feel free to browse our latest selection of HMRC Let Property Campaign acceptance letters which are below, and should you require any assistance with your DO2 disclosure, please do not hesitate to contact RITA4Rent, specialists in property and landlord taxation, along with being the sole recommended tax advisors of the Residential Landlords Association and the Property Tribes.
For your free initial consultation in the strictest confidence, please either telephone on freephone 0800 1 22 33 57, send us an email by clicking here, or alternatively, feel free to organise a call back via our online chat secretaries.

Further Reading:
HMRC Let Property Campaign – A Testimonial
HMRC Disclosure Form DO2 Delays
Let Property Campaign letters sent out by HMRC – The Second Wave
Let Property Campaign – Tip No. 1